• 3 Reasons to Get a Regular Facial

    OVERVIEW Skincare is the best tool for looking and feeling better and regular facials by a medical aesthetician or a board-certified plastic surgeon are an essential part of that care. So if you've been on the fence about why regular professional facials matter when it comes to taking care of your skin

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  • ALCL & Bll

    OVERVIEW If you’ve had breast implants, then it’s important to be especially aware of changes in your breasts and overall health. Such changes may be a sign of a serious condition. What is ALCL and BII? ALCL is the abbreviation for Breast-Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, and BII

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  • Abdominoplasty

    OVERVIEW Living with excess abdominal skin can certainly have an impact. If you are uncomfortable with loose skin in your stomach area, you may want to consider an abdominoplasty to remedy this area once and for all. What is an Abdominoplasty? The common name for an abdominoplasty is a “tummy tuck.”

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  • Best Candidates for Dermaplaning

    OVERVIEW If your face has been looking a little dull and lackluster lately, a session of dermaplaning may be right for you. This popular cosmetic procedure is non-invasive, quick, and results in a brighter complexion, as well as smoother-looking skin. Here's what you need to know about dermaplaning,

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  • Brachioplasty (Arm Lift)

    OVERVIEW If you struggle with feeling self-conscious about baggy upper arms, there is a solution. Saggy upper arms result from excess skin, fat, or weak muscles that cause the skin to sag and appear baggy. If this sounds like symptoms you face, then Brachioplasty might be an option to consider. What

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